• Be The Good Fundraiser - Tampa Bay

    On October 28th, Ella Bing had the privilege to hang out at The Getaway with close friends and supporters to help raise money for Michelle Boyd DeJong and her fight against brain cancer. The fundraiser was a huge hit with over 200 friends and family coming out and supporting Michelle with her battle against this tumor.
  • Blind Tiger Cafe

    Joining the list of unique places in the Tampa Bay area, the Blind Tiger Cafe is the newest addition.  Don’t let the name fool of the business fool you because it isn’t just a simply any normal café. It is the retail location for the brand, Black & Denim Apparel Co
  • Trend To Try: Oversized

    Flashback about 10-15 years ago when rappers wore XXXL tees… Remember how horrible that was? Men decided to wear t-shirts that were definitely 4 sizes too big for them. Which lead to a shift for slim silhouettes and where some guys took it too literal. Purchasing shirts in “schmediums”.
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